Nearly Thrown from a Horse on a Custom Postage Stamp
by Nikola

Hold on! This majestic horse reminds me of family holidays.
Nearly being thrown from a horse, captured in a custom postage stamp, reminds me why family holidays in Turkey are important.
It is embedded with a photograph of one of my favorite family holidays in Turkey. These memories hold a very special place in my heart and that is why I think they deserve to be kept alive.
This particular photograph was taken while I was going horseback riding with my cousin. We were both novices with horses and none of us knew exactly what we were doing.
I have come to realize that the moments in your life when you are doing something for the first time, you are learning new things and making mistakes along the way, are the times when you are having the most fun and enjoyment.
It is the vulnerability that comes from traveling in an uncharted territory, the feeling that you are left with no other choice than to put your trust in your companions, the notion of belonging in a group or a team that makes the bond between two people stronger.
This picture and this postage stamp are somehow a depiction of that connection and that feeling of belonging somewhere - whether me belonging to a family or this custom photo belonging to stamp collecting.
Ages go by like seconds, memories gradually fade away like leaves in autumn, but feelings are rarely diminished by the clutches of time.
Eventually I managed to get control of the horse I was riding. The exhilaration of that first ride was nothing but a moment in a time long gone, but the laughter, joy and that pleasant feeling when I look at this photo custom postage stamp still remain.