Smile Factory on a Personalized Postage Stamp
by Srikumar R
(Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India)

Smile Factory on a Personalized Postage Stamp
Came from no where, this customized postage stamp with smiles all over. Love and attachment followed. That was 7 months ago and she couldn't have been more than a week old. She loved all of us at the first sight and we named her Smile Factory.
She was a playful, sleepy-headed friend and never hurt any living thing. For the past six months, she has shifted the energy flow in our home in a positive way.
She taught us how to show pure love as she does - unfailing and without any malice. We should be happy when we see those important to us! With the perfect mix of all those orange, white, black shades, she was a joy in our home as you can see in this personalized postage stamp.
But sometimes, we should understand that somethings are out of our hands. Such it is and she passed on just very recently at about 6 months of age.
But don't be sad! She lived a very short life, but the love she showed and the quiet purr of her contentment will stay immortal, always deep inside our heart. Wherever she is now, we miss you and be happy Smile Factory!
Now, i understand that Love, Earth, Smile, Air, Water, Sky are same for every being. We should share it with each other.
And we will share it on mail with a custom postage stamp.