The Calm of the Surf on Personalized Postage Stamps
by Claudia

The Calm of the Surf on Personalized Postage Stamps
I personalized postage stamps with beach memories.
Whenever I feel down, am on low spirit and I don't know where my destiny is leading me to, I go for a walk on a beach at the shores of the Atlantic ocean to exercise my body while breathing the fresh salty air, taking photos and contemplating about anything and everything.
The coming and going of the waves for me is a symbol of the constancy of the world and the rhythmic, soothing rush of water fills my ears.
The sheer majesty of the ocean tells me how small and minor I am in comparison and how even smaller all my problems are.
The ocean also reminds me that there will always be a solution in sight and if not, that the the world will go on anyhow. So I should not take myself too importantly and my life not too seriously with custom postage stamps as a great reminder.
After having been out in the fresh breeze watching the eternal movement of the water, I would go home renewed with the energy to take on all that life can throw at me.
Sometimes the sea is giving me a very special present such as a unique stone or a shell. I would take this gift home with me and put it onto the mantelpiece in order to remind me how lucky I am living now in the most beautiful country of the world, Ireland is in my heart.
To say thanks, I created personalized postage stamps of my gorgeous sea shells.